
cooked feeding Learn more about cooked feeding

  • Teach you the skills of raising pigs in captivity.

    Teach you the skills of raising pigs in captivity.

    Raw and cooked feeding in rural areas, pig farmers have the habit of feeding cooked food, thinking that cooked feeding can reduce feed volume, soften crude fiber, pigs can eat more, and can improve digestibility. According to the type of feed, raw feeding and cooked feeding are different, green and coarse feed types.

    2020-11-08 Teach you to circle raise pigs feed skills raw feeding and cooked feeding in the countryside
  • Pig poisoning is mostly caused by feeding half-cooked food

    Pig poisoning is mostly caused by feeding half-cooked food

    Some farmers feed pigs with half-cooked food, and soon after eating, pigs will be manic, walking, breathing difficulties, convulsions and death. This is food poisoning, the main reasons are as follows: first, vegetables will be placed in the pot for a long time slow cooking, coupled with no stir, easy to produce a toxic substance called hydrogen cyanide, pig food after easy poisoning. Second, the feed is not cooked cooked thoroughly, long-term storage deterioration. When pig food is around 40 ° C ~70 ° C, it will be stuffy in the pot for a long time, and the nitrate in the feed will be converted into a nitrite.

  • Key points of preparing Meat Dog Feed for breeding Meat Dogs

    Key points of preparing Meat Dog Feed for breeding Meat Dogs

    Generally speaking, meat dog feed should be made from animal feed, plant feed and mineral feed according to the nutritional requirements of dogs and the growth of dogs in feeding practice. With a good feed formula, it should also be scientifically prepared. The purpose of feed preparation

    2020-11-08 Breeding meat dogs preparation feed key points generally speaking
  • Feed formulation and blending of Meat Dogs

    Feed formulation and blending of Meat Dogs

    Meat dog feed is a reasonable combination of animal feed, plant feed and mineral feed. The nutrition standards in the feed are: protein 17% 25%, fat 3% 7%, fiber 3% 4.5%, carbohydrate 44% 49%, calcium 1.5% 1.8%, phosphorus 1.1% 1.2% and trace amounts of copper, chlorine, potassium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, zinc, iodine and multivitamins. Feed formula: (1) artificial milk formula: 1 egg, 300 grams of concentrated bone and meat soup, 50 grams of baby cake powder, 2 fresh milk

  • The method of raising pigs in rural areas is simple and practical.

    The method of raising pigs in rural areas is simple and practical.

    The method of thin feeding of clinker: the crude fiber of the feed is softened after being cooked, which can not only effectively improve the digestibility of the coarse feed, but also reduce the feed volume and increase the feed intake of pigs. Wet feeding method of raw meal: it is simpler than the thin feeding method of clinker, and saves firewood, labor and equipment at the same time.

    2020-11-08 Suitable for rural areas pig raising method simple practical abstract clinker
  • Scientific feeding is very important. Feed feeding methods for farm pigs.

    Scientific feeding is very important. Feed feeding methods for farm pigs.

    Scientific feeding is very important. Feed feeding methods for farm pigs.

  • How to improve the method of feeding pigs in rural areas?

    How to improve the method of feeding pigs in rural areas?

    How to improve the method of feeding pigs in rural areas?

  • A method suitable for raising pigs in rural areas

    A method suitable for raising pigs in rural areas

    In the final analysis, pig raising is a high-input, high-risk and low-return industry. If the market is good, you can make money. If the market is bad, you have to cry. Let's take a look at the method suitable for raising pigs in rural areas. 1: the method of thin feeding of clinker means that the feed is cooked.

    2020-11-08 Suitable for the countryside raising pigs methods in the final analysis it is a
  • Efficient pig raising technology in rural areas

    Efficient pig raising technology in rural areas

    Efficient pig raising technology in rural areas

  • Which wrong experiences of farm pig raising should be corrected?

    Which wrong experiences of farm pig raising should be corrected?

    Which wrong experiences of farm pig raising should be corrected?

  • Types of plant feed in fox diet

    Types of plant feed in fox diet

    Plant feed is also an important part of fox diet. Including all kinds of cereals, processing by-products of oil crops and all kinds of vegetables. This kind of feed is rich in carbohydrates and complements the energy needed by foxes. First, cereals are generally fed to foxes such as corn flour, whole wheat flour and so on. Cereal processing by-products can also be fed to foxes in small amounts. Cereal feed must be crushed and cooked before it can be fed to foxes. The cooking methods adopted in the production site usually include: cooking porridge, steaming nest head, roasting, baking, puffing and so on. The purpose of feed crushing and ripening is to break

  • What are the common feeds that are easy to poison pigs? (1)

    What are the common feeds that are easy to poison pigs? (1)

    What are the common feeds that are easy to poison pigs? (1)

  • These pig-raising classics must not be used.

    These pig-raising classics must not be used.

    These pig-raising classics must not be used.

  • Source and feeding of raccoon dog feed

    Source and feeding of raccoon dog feed

    Source of feed 1.1 beans except puffer fish and other poisonous fish. most marine fish and freshwater fish can be used as feed for raccoon dogs. Fish contains not only high protein, but also fat, vitamin A, vitamin D and inorganic salts. The digestibility of fish is almost the same as that of meat, and the energy content varies greatly with different fish species. The nutritional value of fresh fish fed raw is higher than that of cooked fish, but some marine fish and most freshwater fish contain thiaminase, which can destroy vitamin B1, such as vitamin B2 deficiency caused by long-term feeding.

  • Raccoon dog feed processing

    Raccoon dog feed processing

    The feed of raccoon dog includes animal feed, plant feed and supplementary feed. The supply and composition of feed have a great influence on the health, reproduction and fur quality of raccoon dogs. In order to raise raccoon dogs scientifically, it is necessary to understand the effect of feed nutrients on raccoon dogs in order to prepare and process feed reasonably and correctly so as to minimize feed consumption and obtain the best economic benefits. Therefore, the processing and preparation of feed is very important. (1) processing of fish and meat feed fresh marine miscellaneous fish, meat, liver, kidney, heart and blood of healthy animals, etc., remove large chunks of fat and fill

  • Processing and preparation of raccoon dog feed

    Processing and preparation of raccoon dog feed

    The feed of raccoon dog includes animal feed, plant feed and supplementary feed. The supply and composition of feed have a great influence on the health, reproduction and fur quality of raccoon dogs. In order to raise raccoon dogs scientifically, it is necessary to understand the effect of feed nutrients on raccoon dogs in order to prepare and process feed reasonably and correctly so as to minimize feed consumption and obtain the best economic benefits. Therefore, the processing and preparation of feed is very important. 1. Processing of feed (1) processing of fish and meat feed fresh marine miscellaneous fish, meat, liver,

  • What method does sow have after giving birth to no milk? The lactation method of 5 sows

    What method does sow have after giving birth to no milk? The lactation method of 5 sows

    Sows without milk need to be milked in time, and the methods are as follows: wash and cook the placenta after sow production, chop and mix salt and feed for three times, and give sows vitamin E, about 20 tablets a day, every day.

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  • Misunderstanding of fattening pigs in autumn

    Misunderstanding of fattening pigs in autumn

    Misunderstanding of fattening pigs in autumn

  • Skillful use of green fodder for raising pigs in summer and autumn

    Skillful use of green fodder for raising pigs in summer and autumn

    Skillful use of green fodder for raising pigs in summer and autumn

  • What is the feed formula for thrushes?

    What is the feed formula for thrushes?

    We can often see many old people teasing thrushes with birdcages in the park. If you want to raise a thrush well, you must first let it eat and drink well. What is the feed formula for thrushes? Thrush feed formula mainly contains soybean meal and cooked corn meal.

    2020-11-11 Thrushes feed formula what are we in the public in the garden often